Friday, June 27, 2008

Supermans Lois Lane

27th June 2008

What can I say, but right now I feel just like Lois Lane....except 7 months pregnant with twins! I don't think that'll ever be a storyboard for Superman...who knows though right! :-)

God HAS to be my Superman...God has ALWAYS been there for me. ALWAYS, for the past 25 years of my life, He's never EVER failed me. I've never been in need of anything nor will I be...I can say in full confidence that God is my everything and will be my everything forever.

Can I start out by so many things I want to start out with. :-) I am one of Christ's and I love Him with all of my heart, my soul...everything in me. At times like this I feel blessed to know Him and not have anything to worry about...but I'm human, so I do worry.

Two months ago my husband, Joel found out that he'd be let go from his job at the end of June, they just couldn't afford to keep him. When he told me, I was a bit concerned because at that point I was 5 months pregnant. I thought, he has two months he'll be able to find a job in two months, or just go back to his old job. No problem...I thought. As time passed by though, he didn't have a job. He was sending out resume after resume with no replies but one or two, and one of those replies was from his old job...who would definitely take him back. He had a couple of phone interviews and then the job hunt went silent for Joel. He decided to take some money out of savings for us to get by just IN CASE.

He still doesn't have a job and yesterday was his last day at work. I was a little concerned, but his job interview with his old job was going I was ok with that.

I had a very VERY hard VERY long day yesterday at work, finding out we had a flat tire at the end of the day wasn't at all what I needed at the time. No one was with me, so I called Joel as he walked me through getting down on the ground and pumping the tire up. Bearing in mind that I am SEVEN months pregnant with twins (AKA huge!) I was in a skirt and sandals...crying on the phone to Joel, telling him I can't...*sigh*... not the best day ever.

We have one car only so after picking him up from his last day at work, I was EXHAUSTED so HUNGRY and so tired...I couldn't wait to get home, get a shower and get to bed. However, in the car on the way home Joel asks me if I remember our prayer to God, that He would open doors for this job thing and that God would also make it very clear as to what He wants Joel to do by closing a few doors too. We only prayed this a couple of days ago so of course I remember this. Joel then proceeds to tell me that God has closed one heart sinks. I think it's the higher paying job which Joel is going for...and think to myself "Oh well, he can ALWAYS go back to his other job..." Joel then reveals to me that it IS his other job which has told him they've finished they're hiring for this next month. My heart nearly stops as I'm driving...I realize after a couple of seconds that I'm not came as such a shock to me...

I go into 'spaz' mode...asking Joel why and what and what happened and why again...I'm almost hysterical at this point...after all that's happened to me on this particular day...why does God have to 'SLAP' me with this news? That's what it feels like anyway.

Joel calms me down a lot when we get home. I'm just crying non-stop even when he has calmed me down...I'm just too tired to think, too exhausted to move...we pray together and I fall asleep.

This morning, I wake up with God whispering in my ear. Whispering that everything will be absolutely fine, to trust Him and wait and see His wondrous works. I can't describe it when God comes near to you...I'm just in awe of God and how very much He loves me.
It's a peace that's's a calm and a beauty that's just AMAZING. I know for a fact that God was whispering those things in my ear because I wouldn't wake up thinking, on my own?...I'd wake up worrying about where we're gonna get our next meal...I'm a bit of a worrywart on my own.

I've said before that God is Superman and sweeps me off my feet just when I think I'm in a VERY sticky situation...My Abba comes in and absolutely ASTOUNDS me with His wondrous parting of MY seas, with His helping hand by me, to help me EVERY step of the way.

So therefor, I MUST say, I'm COMPELLED TO say how very much we trust in God...and we don't know how he's going to bring us the jobs, the money...everything we need. But I can say this one thing, what we do need now is peace, and a calm in our house...which the Holy Spirit has DEFINITELY brought this's indescribable, it's AMAZING....its SUPERMAN! :-)

So at the end of all that I must say, :-) watch this space...I'll be posting on here more of my thoughts in time.

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